The Participation Blog

Author name: John Godec

Local Government Trust Is in Jeopardy

We know that for years, trust in big institutions has been eroding with big government being the least trusted of those institutions. We’ve also seen that government closest to the people has been traditionally more trusted than the federal government. Close means the people who put out fires, fix potholes ...
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Why Will Anyone Care or Remember What You Said?

Most public presentations delivered by professionals working in the public sector tend to sound and look more like the presentations they might deliver to their peers at professional conferences. Those data driven oratories and PowerPoint extravaganzas are swell for impressing colleagues and generating juicy happy hour discussions later at the ...
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Stop Humiliating People

People and conflict go together like peas and carrots (thanks, Forrest); it’s inevitable, but this current culture of incredibly high conflict is newer territory. If we ever hope to learn and grow beyond it, we need to understand the sources and create new ways to fix it. Humiliation, personal rejection ...
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