The Participation Blog

Misinformation Means Mistrust

Propaganda, misinformation, deception and lies may be some of the most defining issues of our time. Political spin certainly isn’t new, but how it’s been weaponized and the media that is now available to spread and grow it is beyond anything we’ve seen before. Someone recently said that 2020 will ...
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The Year of Apology?

I’m quite sure that you’ll agree that 2020 is one for the books. 20-20 hindsight may be forever ruined as a positive reference. But on top of everything else going on, this may end up being known as the year of apology. There are a lot of obvious and not ...
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What The Heck is a SOCO?!

Goldman Sachs – not exactly a bastion of liberal fervor – says, “We estimate that statewide mask mandates gradually raise the percentage of people who ‘always’ or ‘frequently’ wear masks by around 25%.” This, they say, would save the country 5% of its gross domestic product. In other words, Goldman ...
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Power vs. Influence

Lord Acton is known to have said, “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” David Brin later said, “… it’s more true that power attracts the corruptible.” The genesis of public engagement is based on people’s right to some influence on the decisions that have an effect on ...
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