Looking for the latest communication tips? Communication is more than just the delivery of facts and data. True communication is just as much about listening as it is imparting. And there are a lot of ways to do it wrong. Here you can find all the latest news that we have handpicked on this most important topic. Communication: Everyone does it, even when they’re trying not to, and doing it well requires constant improvement. Here you can brush up your skills on ways to avoid failure, use better words, make more relevant points, understand context, make it stick and build understanding. Plus, getting great at presenting … or at least how not to dread it so much.



It’s All About The Words You Use

Mechanical engineers speak a language that urban planners don’t understand, and biologists use language that’s probably meaningless to atmospheric scientists. Experts and most people in specialized fields develop their own unique verbal and written shorthand and use acronyms that are meaningless to the rest of us mere mortals. It’s very ...
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Don’t Call Me

Way, waaay back in the olden days (like almost 20 years ago) when you wanted to communicate with somebody, you could actually pick up a phone, call them, and they, in turn … would actually answer it, and talk to you. No – really! But, that ship has sailed, and ...
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Listen Up!

Active listening is a big but often disregarded part of real communication and public engagement, but sometimes it’s easy to forget the true core of why it’s so important. People who believe that they’re actually being heard feel like the listener cares about them and what they have to say. ...
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