The Participation Blog

You’ve Been and Will Continue to Be Conned

As professionals who work with the public, and as U.S. citizens, one of the more confounding questions to ponder is trying to understand how easily 30-40% of the voting age population has been, and continues to be, deceived, fleeced and conned. In last month’s issue of this little digest, we offered you a piece that explained how, according to new research, 40% of people would prefer to choose ignorance so that they have an excuse to act selfishly – choosing willful, intentional ignorance. I offer, as evidence, many people’s reaction to the COVID-19 vaccine and mask mandates for a disease that was, at the time, the leading cause of death in the U.S., as well as the storming of the Capitol on January 6th. As sad and as hard as it is to accept, there’s a thesis that says, not only are we bad at recognizing bullsh%$, we don’t really care.