The Participation Blog

Ultimate Communicators

Excellence is defined as being outstanding or extremely good. You may not agree with or like some of the following people who excel at connecting, but you should appreciate their ability to do so. Bill Clinton has a remarkable ability to connect with mass audiences, and also make individuals in smaller settings feel like the most important person in his presence – I can personally attest to that. And yet, with all of her extraordinary qualifications and intellect, Hillary just doesn’t seem to project that same ability. Edward R. Murrow once said of Winston Churchill, “He mobilized the English language and sent it into battle.” How can you not be moved by Dr. Martin Luther King’s I Have a Dream speech? Oprah is nearly impossible to ignore, and Steve Jobs communicated the future of technology. Reagan, Cronkite, Mandela, Gandhi – the list goes on. I’m not suggesting that any of us mere mortals can expect to make that list, but there are 5 techniques that can sure get us all closer to excellence.