The Participation Blog

Author name: John Godec

Online Effectiveness

As vaccines become more widespread, we’ll all slowly re-emerge from this forced hibernation and gradually start meeting face to face again. But communicating and connecting online is here to stay and part of our collective futures, so maximizing its effectiveness is a wise thing to do. Humans are social creatures ...
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Trust Requires Truth

Edelman is a global communication firm that has tracked trends in public trust for the past 20 years. Their annual trust barometer measures public trust around four institutions: big business, media, non-governmental organization and government. Their data and analysis has been a goldmine for informing the work that we do ...
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Master Manipulators

Abraham Lincoln is the guy who said, “… you may fool people for a time; you can fool a part of the people all the time; but you can’t fool all the people all the time.” I’m confident that lies have been around since language was invented, but saying things ...
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Words to Lose

Much of the communication that comes out of government institutions reads and sounds like it was written by a committee of Baptist coroners. I’ve been reminded of that because I’ve filled my outside recycling container several times in the past few weeks – cleaning out old client documents and files ...
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Generational Engagement

There are a lot of challenges facing us in the public participation biz, not the least of which is the constant evolution of demographic change. Adding that to the growth and expansion of technology, and the thermonuclear political war underway in the U.S., makes for interesting times. This is a ...
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