Looking for the latest communication tips? Communication is more than just the delivery of facts and data. True communication is just as much about listening as it is imparting. And there are a lot of ways to do it wrong. Here you can find all the latest news that we have handpicked on this most important topic. Communication: Everyone does it, even when they’re trying not to, and doing it well requires constant improvement. Here you can brush up your skills on ways to avoid failure, use better words, make more relevant points, understand context, make it stick and build understanding. Plus, getting great at presenting … or at least how not to dread it so much.



Pause for Effect

For a lot of experts, especially engineering and science types, public speaking and presentations are fun – much like root canals and picking up in-laws from the airport are fun. But when you’re in the public sector business or even in a business, business that requires talking to actual human ...
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Most Damaging Propaganda

Misinformation, which is generally defined as information that’s just wrong, and disinformation, which is information that’s deliberately false – an intentional lie designed to make you believe propaganda – are two of toughest challenges that we face. It’s a serious problem regardless of the situation, but it becomes deadly when ...
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The Truth is Dying in Darkness

A recent piece in The Philadelphia Inquirer connects the plunge in newspaper readership to people’s completely false and wrong understanding and beliefs about the economy, public policy, the environment, public health and most other things that we all should know involving our government. To combat charisma without character, truth needs ...
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Stories Give Your Facts Meaning

Stories make facts memorable. Research suggests that people forget nearly half of what they learn within 20 minutes (80% is gone in a month), but stories help fix that problem. So, getting people to understand and remember what you want them to know about whatever you’re planning or doing takes ...
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Working Stiff

Your body language and vocal tone have an oversized impact on the message you’re delivering – meaning how you’re delivering what you say. When the audience’s trust of you is low and their concern about the issue that you’re talking about is high, which is often the case in the ...
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Weaponized Bull$%!$

Kid diseases that have been inconsequential for decades because of childhood immunization programs are making a comeback because those programs are now under assault. We have at least one avowed anti-vaxxer Presidential candidate making noise. Trust in credible institutions and science is deteriorating. Up is down, black is white, and ...
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