Looking for the latest communication tips? Communication is more than just the delivery of facts and data. True communication is just as much about listening as it is imparting. And there are a lot of ways to do it wrong. Here you can find all the latest news that we have handpicked on this most important topic. Communication: Everyone does it, even when they’re trying not to, and doing it well requires constant improvement. Here you can brush up your skills on ways to avoid failure, use better words, make more relevant points, understand context, make it stick and build understanding. Plus, getting great at presenting … or at least how not to dread it so much.



Let Me Be Brief

I can’t think of a better argument for brevity and quality than one that’s been around for more than a century and a half. Those of us who went to school when “civics” (or something like it) was a thing probably learned at least parts of Lincoln’s Gettysburg address. Delivered ...
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Heading Bull$#it Off at The Pass

Of course complaining about propaganda might make us feel momentarily better, but finding solutions is what this requires. Pre-bunking is a place to start. That’s a clever term for a simple idea: address the propaganda right up front. Instead of just hoping that your message and facts will stick, anticipate ...
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Life in the Age of Disinformation

The word existential might be approaching overuse right now, but I think that the biggest existential threat to the work that we do with the public in democracy and for the greater good may likely be the proliferation of disinformation. Weaponized propaganda and bull$#it amplified by the current cultural climate, ...
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Reading the Room

I told you my story of the pants at the top of this blog which, I hope, helps clarify the importance of the myriad of non-verbal factors involved in conveying knowledge and nurturing understanding in others. Because so much of the work that you do involves working with groups, those ...
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Get Me Outta Here!

In previous issues, we’ve talked about the power and benefits of making informal conversation – small talk, chitchat – with people and various stakeholders prior to the meaty conversations that you’re likely going to have. Small talk breaks the ice a little, greases the wheels, starts to build a tiny ...
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Now, Let’s Fix Your Emails

Email is the most used communication device in the work world, right? If you’re anything like me, you use email far more than the phone; text might be catching up and video conferencing is now in competition. It’s easy to just take emails for granted, but it’s not smart to ...
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But, That’s Not What I Meant

One challenging thing we all face is recognizing the continual disconnect between what we intend to say or write, and how that intention is actually interpreted by the receiver. There is a lot of “stuff” that influences that exchange. For example, what specific words that you select to say, what ...
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