Looking for the latest communication tips? Communication is more than just the delivery of facts and data. True communication is just as much about listening as it is imparting. And there are a lot of ways to do it wrong. Here you can find all the latest news that we have handpicked on this most important topic. Communication: Everyone does it, even when they’re trying not to, and doing it well requires constant improvement. Here you can brush up your skills on ways to avoid failure, use better words, make more relevant points, understand context, make it stick and build understanding. Plus, getting great at presenting … or at least how not to dread it so much.



Make Connections

Relationships are the key to the work we do; it’s the not-so-secret sauce that makes engagement successful and leads to successful projects and lasting, smart outcomes. Relationships require connection and that connection is the responsibility of everyone involved in your project, including those who think they’re just there to make ...
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Why Will Anyone Care or Remember What You Said?

Most public presentations delivered by professionals working in the public sector tend to sound and look more like the presentations they might deliver to their peers at professional conferences. Those data driven oratories and PowerPoint extravaganzas are swell for impressing colleagues and generating juicy happy hour discussions later at the ...
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Chatting ‘Em Up

We know a lot of introverts. You might be one. Many of the gifted people that we work with tend to be … a bit on the less-than-social side. Interestingly, many of the people who work with the public, like my partners and I, are often actually pretty introverted. I ...
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Words Matter

2020 was a year for the books, and given the events of the past few weeks in the U.S., it feels like 2021 is already nine months old. But the tone from the top is changing and that’s not a small thing. We’re seeing a remarkable contrast in the temperature ...
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Master Manipulators

Abraham Lincoln is the guy who said, “… you may fool people for a time; you can fool a part of the people all the time; but you can’t fool all the people all the time.” I’m confident that lies have been around since language was invented, but saying things ...
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Words to Lose

Much of the communication that comes out of government institutions reads and sounds like it was written by a committee of Baptist coroners. I’ve been reminded of that because I’ve filled my outside recycling container several times in the past few weeks – cleaning out old client documents and files ...
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