The Participation Blog

Author name: John Godec

Listen Up!

Active listening is a big but often disregarded part of real communication and public engagement, but sometimes it’s easy to forget the true core of why it’s so important. People who believe that they’re actually being heard feel like the listener cares about them and what they have to say. ...
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Don’t Call Me

Way, waaay back in the olden days (like almost 20 years ago) when you wanted to communicate with somebody, you could actually pick up a phone, call them, and they, in turn … would actually answer it, and talk to you. No – really! But, that ship has sailed, and ...
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The New Rules

A course that I teach at Indiana University is, in part, taught online. Most of it is face to face but student demand, time constraints, and the times require some of it to be virtual, which is pretty incongruous when the subject matter is, essentially, interpersonal communication – don’t get ...
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