The Participation Blog

Author name: John Godec

Thank You, Story Lady!

Thank You, Story Lady!

The above title references a series of old comedy schticks (Google: Story Lady radio) that ran a long time ago consisting of short, wacky and funny radio vignettes for kids that a group of us once resurrected at a college radio station where I worked
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Profound Bull$%#&

Profound Bull$%#&

If you’re still able to watch, listen to, or read about national political news and commentary, you’re being subjected to an ample amount of alternative facts, breathless analysis, and truth that isn’t truth – in other words, welcome to the age of institutionalized, well organized, mainstream BS.
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Soft Skills, My A%$

Eventually we’re going to have to figure out how to talk to, deal with, and work with people that we don’t agree with or maybe even don’t like very much. That’s going to require (re)developing a skillset that feels like we’re losing. I’m seeing more being written about the need ...
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Your Imposter Syndrome

Working with the public and facilitating groups, especially oftentimes upset people, isn’t for the faint of heart – it takes courage, and courage requires confidence. For most healthy people, I think confidence can ebb and flow; it isn’t an absolute constant, and sometimes, when confidence is a little low it’s ...
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White People Own Flashlights

Good issue and stakeholder assessments are key to planning and executing effective public participation projects. The more we really know about the issues and nuances and the more we learn about the people who will be or think they’ll be affected by some action or plan, the more we’ll understand ...
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