The Participation Blog

Author name: John Godec

White People Own Flashlights

Good issue and stakeholder assessments are key to planning and executing effective public participation projects. The more we really know about the issues and nuances and the more we learn about the people who will be or think they’ll be affected by some action or plan, the more we’ll understand ...
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Burying The Lead

Most people working in public service come to it with advanced degrees. They’ve usually learned a specific way of presenting factual information and arguments. That scientific method works great for scoring good grades but not so much for public presentations and documents. Leading with the main point is important. If ...
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Humble Pie

Government agencies are supposed to be the epitome of how a society organizes and authorizes things to be done for the common good, which, although necessary, easily gets out of hand, intimidates constituents, sometimes feels very arrogant and really ticks people off. So one of the dozens of things that ...
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The Fact of the Matter

There’s an old lawyer axiom that says, If you don’t have the law, argue the facts. If you don’t have the facts argue the law. If you don’t have the law or the facts, just argue. You’ve probably noticed that truth and facts are having a tough time these days. ...
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