The Participation Blog

Who Knew?!

Somebody said to me recently, “You must be a real extrovert to do what you do.” As a guy who has always avoided large social gatherings, that made me laugh until tears ran down my leg. But I’ve discovered that I might very well be an ambivert. Until recently, I ...
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Working Stiff

Your body language and vocal tone have an oversized impact on the message you’re delivering – meaning how you’re delivering what you say. When the audience’s trust of you is low and their concern about the issue that you’re talking about is high, which is often the case in the ...
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Ignorant and Confident

Mark Twain said, “All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure.” We see stupidity and confidence in any number of successful people these days. (I’ll let you decide who they might be.) Confidence comes in handy but, like beer, too much just isn’t ...
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Stranger Danger

I was talking with one of our more experienced clients on the east coast the other day. She told me they’re encountering a consistent challenge with new hires, smart people often fresh out of school, who are really uncomfortable talking with folks beyond their own age bracket and out of ...
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Finding the Elusive Middle

The us against them mentality is no clearer than in local planning and zoning issues. As the price of real estate keeps home buying out of reach for more people, housing alternatives are struggling to find traction. The mere suggestion of “affordable housing” sends a lot of adjacent, existing homeowners ...
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What Not To Have in Common With Vladimir Putin

Hubris or arrogance – closely related, but subtly different emotions – are one of the biggest impediments to (re)building and maintaining trust in people who need to know that you’re credible. The challenge comes when highly qualified, well-intentioned people need to relate to those who don’t have that knowledge and ...
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Who Can You Trust

We talk about the loss of trust in expertise and institutions and it begs the obvious question of what we can do to get it back. The answer to that question is a little more involved than this very brief answer, but it’s not a bad place to start. Be ...
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