The Participation Blog

What To Do About It

There’s a common belief that people in Western societies are becoming increasingly polarized, folding into moral tribes. But there’s significant evidence to suggest that we may be less polarized than we’re sometimes encouraged to believe. There are those who stand to gain power and income by convincing us we’re widely ...
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Weaponized Bull$%!$

Kid diseases that have been inconsequential for decades because of childhood immunization programs are making a comeback because those programs are now under assault. We have at least one avowed anti-vaxxer Presidential candidate making noise. Trust in credible institutions and science is deteriorating. Up is down, black is white, and ...
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So, That’s It

We’re way over-surveyed and it drives me a little nuts. I don’t want to “provide my customer experience to help them serve me better” every time I buy a pack of gum at 7-11. Online reviews especially have gone overboard and I ignore ’em . . . unless I have ...
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Creating Trust Again

The results are in and the news isn’t good for political leaders. According to a recent and expansive U.S. News & World Report/Harris Poll survey, 72% of people don’t trust them. But on the encouraging side, people also said exactly what it will take for them to earn the trust ...
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Ultimate Communicators

Excellence is defined as being outstanding or extremely good. You may not agree with or like some of the following people who excel at connecting, but you should appreciate their ability to do so. Bill Clinton has a remarkable ability to connect with mass audiences, and also make individuals in ...
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Is Your Job Still Safe?

It was recently suggested that artificial intelligence (AI) could replace community engagement people, like AI is predicted to replace 375 million jobs globally by 2050. It won’t. AI will have, and is having, a major effect on data driven and technical fields, but when it comes to context, nuance, emotion ...
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Use Your Words

One of my refrigerator magnets reads, “Use Your Words.” I got it at the Newseum in Washington, D.C., years ago, before, sadly, it closed for lack of funding. To cite a quote often attributed to Nietzsche, “All I need is a sheet of paper and something to write with, and ...
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