The Participation Blog


What is Normal?

A constantly changing normal is the new normal. When you think about it, you realize that time changes all of us and makes the previously odd or out of place common and more acceptable. Consider fashion, music, or attitudes about right, wrong, fairness or honesty. Change happens, ...
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Heart First, Head Second

It’s been mentioned before but it bears repeating: most of the best information that we have about motivating human behavior comes from business – not government. After all, it’s been projected that $558 billion will be spent on advertising in 2018 to convince you to make your teeth whiter, buy
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Change for Engineers

This isn’t about changing engineers (that’s just creepy), it’s about helping technically oriented people understand how and why people resist change. Most of the work that you do ultimately leads to some kind of change that people are required to accept in their lives, and believe it or not, there’s ...
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Thank You, Story Lady!

Thank You, Story Lady!

The above title references a series of old comedy schticks (Google: Story Lady radio) that ran a long time ago consisting of short, wacky and funny radio vignettes for kids that a group of us once resurrected at a college radio station where I worked
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